I love Spring. I always thought if I had daffodils I would pick them and make a beautiful bouquet to enjoy inside, but I can't make myself pick them. The pretty little trees are "popcorn popping" trees. We only have one azalea bush, but it is gorgeous. Benny and I go for a walk everyday and enjoy the beauty of Spring.
These windows are in our bathroom. I didn't want to cover them since we have a view from them and privacy is not an issue. It was difficult to install them since they're up so high, and we had to work around the tub. Nevertheless I make 'em, and Rob hangs 'em.
Last night I hosted an Open House in my little salon. I sent out invitations and then worried that maybe no one would come. Then I worried that too many would come. As it turned out, there were about 15 that came and ate, and visited and seemed to have a good time.
I'm pretty happy with how the space turned out. It just kind of evolved, but I like it. I sent announcements out to friends, and invited some to a "girl's night out" open house next Tuesday. What do you think?
I am the happy wife of my husband Rob, the proud mother of my four kids, and grandmother to eight grandchildren. I try to live by the following, "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly...