
Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

We were so happy to have Amy and Jasper come for Christmas. Having a baby in the house just makes Christmas joyful. Jasper is at a fun age and we thoroughly enjoyed him. Fun to watch him eat, play, laugh, and sleep. Our pictures are pretty much all of him. He and Amy made our Christmas. Thanks for coming Amy. We love you and Jasper bunches.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

To Bobbi, Amy, Adam, Courtney

I feel the need to let you know how much I love each one of you. I think about you every single day and pray for your safety and happiness. I haven't accomplished alot by the world's standards but look at the kids I've got. You are all amazing.

This has been a really difficult year for your dad and I. Probably the most difficult in all of our 37 years of marriage. We have tried to handle it and still be good examples to you. Your dad is an optimist and thank goodness for that. His attitude has been the saving grace all along. I have done my share of tears, and sometimes had a "kicking and screaming" attitude. Sometimes I've wondered why us? The answer that comes to me is that we are here to help show you the way. That was easy to understand when you were small, but now that you are all adults and smarter, and better than we are, it's funny that setting an example should still be important, but I guess it is. I wish we could be together more often but time and money don't allow for that right now. Please know that you are the joy of our lives and we delight in every phone call, blog, or email. The first thing your dad asks me when he comes home is if I've heard from any of the kids today. We then enjoy talking about that conversation. We love every mundane detail.

As Christmas gets closer I dream of being all together in some big mountain cabin with festive decorations all around, and music in the background. Since that is just a dream, please know that our greatest gift has been and still is you. We are hopeful and optimistic about the future and look forward to being able to travel to see you more this next year.

I love you,

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Cards

I wasn't going to make any Christmas cards this year. I was planning on buying some at Michael's since they're now 75% off. This afternoon I was going through a box of craft stuff getting it organized and found some pretty little buttons. They looked so cute that I got out some stamps and got busy. They're not the most complicated or inventive cards, but I like how they look.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Lunch with my friends

Today was my friend Lusann's birthday, so we met at Brix for lunch. I had a delicious salad and brought a sweet chocolate goodie for each of my friends. We had a great time--just not long enough. I'm blessed to have nice friends.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It is c c c COLD outside!

We have a pond out in our front yard that is nearly frozen over. We keep the water circulating so it won't freeze completely. Hope this cold snap ends soon.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Little Christmouse

I don't know if a picture really shows how cute these little guys are. Tonight is our Relief Society Christmas Party. We're all supposed to bring a dozen Christmas cookies. I couldn't decide what kind to bring until I remembered these that my good friend Jackie Thornock brought to me one time.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'm a terrible photographer, but I can't resist posting these pictures because the kids are beautiful, inspite of the lack of skill on my part in taking their picture.

More random pictures just for fun